Esab Origo Arc 410c
If you’re looking for a powerful MMa welder then look no further. 20a – 400a with forced air cooling. Three available for immediate hire – can deliver locally or collection. Call on 01327 879606 for terms and availability.
The Origo™ Arc 410c, are sturdy and robust switching converter (chopper) power sources intended for manual heavy duty MMA welding with coated electrodes, TIG welding and Air Carbon Arc Gouging. Well proven technology with a high level of reliability, outstanding weld performance, a strong metal housing and large wheels for ease of handling, make this range of machines ideal for use in the toughest of industrial environments.
Easy to use
The wide current range of the Origo™ Arc makes it easy
to optimise settings, allowing the machine to be used
with an extensive range of filler materials. These units
are equipped with such functions as hot start, arc force
and anti stick. It is also possible to adjust parameters
during welding process.
The units have vertical static characteristics which
means that regardless of cable length and arc voltage,
the current remain constant.
The dynamic characteristics of the Origo™ Arc range
ensures stable, spatter free arc and an easily controlled
molten pool.
Due to the high power factor, energy consumption is low
and installation costs can be kept to a minimum.